Thanks due in no small part to Miach, we’re excited to announce the opening of ACEmulator’s new home on the web!
Initially, our goals for the website are to use it to host monthly progress reports of our activities as well as any announcements along the way.
As we near closer to stable releases we might expand out the site’s scope a bit to include documentation or how-to’s on installing, configuring and administration of ACEmulator servers, but as we’re mostly not web-devs, we’re going to start small and go from there!
Please pardon the dust as we get settled in and up to speed!
Handy links to the website are: and
P.S. If you’ve got experience working with WordPress based sites and would like to contribute to ours, we absolutely would welcome help in this arena as most of our time is taken up by coding the emulator. Join or stop by our Discord server and message us your interest today! ——————>