ACEmulator / ACE:
6 authors have pushed 330 commits to master.
570 files changed.
36,980 additions and 23,772 deletions.
6 Issues closed.
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Notable Changes:
- Entity Framework Core 2.0 implemented. ACEmulator is now faster, stronger, better than ever!
- The physics implementation is well under way, portal collisions are now working and all world objects have had their physics properties enabled to begin coding and debugging physics interactions between world objects.
- All weenies containing a CreateList have had their lists populated to begin implementing and testing trophy loot and vendor interactions.
- Mob corpses are now generated upon creature death (currently /smite only) and contain trophy loot.
- Dungeon spawns sent properly so you can explore your favorite dungeon to see all of the spawns inside correctly and for eventual combat and proper interaction.
- Fixes for generators so more things show up in the world.
- Started work on Spellcasting/Magic framework with PoC coding.
ACEmulator / ACE-World-16PY:
1 author has pushed 5 commits to master.
33,092 files have changed.
831,130 additions and 743,589 deletions.
3 Releases published.
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Notable Changes:
- Latest release of world database: 16PY v0.0.7 – 8 days ago.
- Weenies now 100% exported from GDL Cache.
- Converted database to Entity Framework Core 2.0 based schema.
ACEmulator / aclogview:
1 author has pushed 2 commits to ACE branch.
27 files have changed.
1,124 additions and 337 deletions.
2 Releases published.
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Notable Changes:
- Latest release of ACLogView: aclogview – ACE.1.0.18 – 13 days ago.
- Significant improvements of viewing property update messages.