ACEmulator Monthly Report – April 1, 2018 – May 1, 2018

ACEmulator / ACE:
6 authors have pushed 112 commits to master.
230 files have changed.
32,113 additions and 2,579 deletions.
1 Issues closed.
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Notable Changes

  • Physics engine tested and completed. Future changes to Physics will now be based on getting it to work correctly with all the objects in the world and their interactions, as well as refinements and improvements over time to make the engine work faster and smarter.
  • Basic melee and bow/xbow combat added.
  • Damage scaling: armor, resistance, per-body part
  • Skill checks: weapon attacks, defense, healing, magic skill
  • Initial work with Healkits added in.
  • EmoteManager system added for world events. Add emotes to objects, initial implementation includes idle animations and local cast.
  • Vitae added, but players can’t die yet.
  • First pass at tiered, mutated and randomized loot added.
  • Crafting framework added and basic crafting operations now supported.
  • Monster pain / death sounds, splatter effects
  • 1-9 shortcut keys added
  • Spellcasting improvements:
    • Added enchantment registry for tracking all spells
    • Item enchantments: blood drinker, swift killer, heart seeker, defender, impenetrability, banes
    • Life magic buffs/debuffs: armor, resistances, vulns
    • Creature enchantment buffs/debuffs
    • War magic spells: bolts, streaks, arcs


  • AI for Creatures!

ACEmulator / ACE-World-16PY:
1 author has pushed commits to master.
76,026 files have changed.
1,390,921 additions and 1,008,962 deletions.
6 Releases published.
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Notable Changes:

  • Latest release of world database: 16PY v0.0.13 – 3 days ago.
  • Spells added to database. This gives us information on what the spells do.
  • Quests added to database. This gives us the flag information for quest timers and repeat limits.
  • Events added to the database. This allows for quests on a global scale to function correctly such as Aerlinthe and the Queen quests. It also enables timed and configurable events like Fireworks at the statues or turning on the Thistledown monument.
  • Housing Portal destinations added to database. These are the portals for Villas and Mansions.
  • Encounter generators (Random monsters not in dungeons) added to the database. 35,000 landblocks gained at least one generator of random encounters!
  • Crafting added to database. This adds the ability for over 20k different interactions between objects, such as making atlan weapons, or focus stones, fletching, cooking and much more!

ACEmulator / aclogview:
No changes to the project occurred during this monthly report cycle.
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