Packet Captures

A PCAP (Packet Capture) is network data collected during an active client session to provide more concrete information for the developers to track and squash bugs

PCAPs are an invaluable tool to see behind the graphics in to what is actually occurring.

Download ACLog

  • Make a copy of your Asheron’s Call folder next to your existing folder (not inside)
  • Place the msxml4.dll in the new folder
  • Open Thwarglauncher and click Open User File
  • Find the specific account for the server you’re testing
  • Add a LaunchPath pointing to the new acclient location – The top of the UserFile details the LaunchPath syntax

If you do not do the above the packet logger will open for every single client/world you log in to, causing a mess of packet logs in your main folder.

When you come across a bug in game while the packet logger is running, please type in chat “PCAP BUG” so the timeframe can be narrowed down.

Either exit the client or hit Stop on the packet logger and a new file will be created in the AC folder with the format “pkt_YYYY-MM-DD_TIMESTAMP”

Provide this file along with your bug report.

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