ACEmulator / ACE:
7 authors have pushed 69 commits to master
278 files have changed
12,612 additions
4,134 deletions
3 Issues closed
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Notable Changes:
- Updated physics system to calculate accurate water depth
- Fixed various bugs in the physics and animation subsystems
- Fixed a bug with players and monsters sliding along the edge of cliff
- Added dungeon landblock detection system
- Improved monster movement: turning, walking, and running speeds from the MotionTable / animation subsystem
- Improved projectile physics. Projectiles should hit targets much more consistently now
- Added instant updates to the monster health bars
- Updated the monster aggro / tolerance system
- Added TargetManager for server tracking of monster attack targets
- Added UI Window/Saving
- Refactoring and improvements to the magic system code
- Added criticals and bonus damage to War magic, as per the ‘Atonement’ update
- Added mana stone usage system
- Fixed various bugs with monsters crossing between landblock and cell boundaries. Monsters should be able to chase the player through dungeons and indoor areas more consistently
- Added monster movement debug commands
- Fixed a bug with some dungeons having black screens on portal entry
- Fixed Enchantment registry duration and redirection of Aura spells
- Added spell layering to the Enchantment registry
- Added QuestManager saving and loading to the database
- Further integration of the EventManager into EmoteManager
- Enchantments applied to armor affecting armor stats now display correctly
- Wielded weapon debuffs are now taken into consideration
- Added magic item persistence tracking
- Added PortalSending and PortalSummon functionality
- Allow for non-players casting gateways
- Improved vital regeneration formulas / ticking
- Improved healing formulas
- Added player stance and enchantments to vital regeneration (regeneration/rejuvenation/mana renewal)
- Added basic stamina usage on evasion / jumping
- Improved vital regeneration, stamina usage