
ACEmulator Monthly Report – July 1, 2018 – August 1, 2018

ACEmulator / ACE:
7 authors have pushed 69 commits to master
278 files have changed
12,612 additions
4,134 deletions
3 Issues closed
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Notable Changes:

  • Updated physics system to calculate accurate water depth
  • Fixed various bugs in the physics and animation subsystems
  • Fixed a bug with players and monsters sliding along the edge of cliff
  • Added dungeon landblock detection system
  • Improved monster movement: turning, walking, and running speeds from the MotionTable / animation subsystem
  • Improved projectile physics. Projectiles should hit targets much more consistently now
  • Added instant updates to the monster health bars
  • Updated the monster aggro / tolerance system
  • Added TargetManager for server tracking of monster attack targets
  • Added UI Window/Saving
  • Refactoring and improvements to the magic system code
  • Added criticals and bonus damage to War magic, as per the ‘Atonement’ update
  • Added mana stone usage system
  • Fixed various bugs with monsters crossing between landblock and cell boundaries. Monsters should be able to chase the player through dungeons and indoor areas more consistently
  • Added monster movement debug commands
  • Fixed a bug with some dungeons having black screens on portal entry
  • Fixed Enchantment registry duration and redirection of Aura spells
  • Added spell layering to the Enchantment registry
  • Added QuestManager saving and loading to the database
  • Further integration of the EventManager into EmoteManager
  • Enchantments applied to armor affecting armor stats now display correctly
  • Wielded weapon debuffs are now taken into consideration
  • Added magic item persistence tracking
  • Added PortalSending and PortalSummon functionality
  • Allow for non-players casting gateways
  • Improved vital regeneration formulas / ticking
  • Improved healing formulas
  • Added player stance and enchantments to vital regeneration (regeneration/rejuvenation/mana renewal)
  • Added basic stamina usage on evasion / jumping
  • Improved vital regeneration, stamina usage

ACEmulator Monthly Report – June 1, 2018 – July 1, 2018

ACEmulator / ACE:
7 authors have pushed 23 commits to master
156 files changed
7,493 additions
1,658 deletions
1 Issue closed
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Notable Changes:

  • Monster movement transitioning to full physics-based movement system
  • Physics system integrated with projectiles
  • Fixed a bug with scenery collisions in some landblocks
  • Added landblock unloading system
  • Improved networking code for multiplayer servers
  • Added player and NPC-activated switches and pressure plates
  • Allegiance system has been added
  • Fellowship system improvements
  • Updated gems to use the latest spellcasting system
  • Added shield combat
  • Fixed a bug giving wielded objects to NPCs
  • Updated friends list for Entity Framework
  • Fixed Undead player characters equipping armor/clothing
  • Fixed specialized skill calculations
  • Updated appraisal system for all objects
  • Added player corpse system
    – Players now drop the appropriate items
  • Added looting permissions for player and monster corpse
  • Added robust configuration system, server settings stored in database
    – Added property for XP/Luminance multiplier
    – Added vitae penalty settings to database configuration
    – Welcome message/MOTD is now configurable from the database.

ACEmulator Monthly Report – May 1, 2018 – June 1, 2018

ACEmulator / ACE:
8 authors have pushed 30 commits to master
131 files changed
6,785 additions
2,227 deletions
3 Issues closed
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Notable Changes:

  • Monster AI:
    • Added monster movement. Creatures have awakened and become aware of nearby players, and run towards their attack targets
    • Added monster melee combat. Creatures will now perform their various melee attacks against characters, with appropriate damage calculated
    • Added monster spell casting. Monsters can now utilize their entire arsenal of spells from their spellbook, with appropriate probabilities
    • Added monster ranged combat. Monsters will now perform ranged attacks if they have a bow or crossbow equipped
  • War magic updates: adjustments to bolt, streak, and arc projectiles to closer match the live servers
  • Item enchantment improvements: equipped items cast the appropriate spells on the player
  • Added mana conversion: mana usage is calculated according to caster’s Mana Conversion skill
  • Added magic defense checks for casting harmful spells
  • Fixed routing for in-game messages given by magic and portal spells.
  • Added emotes to Emote Manager:
    • NPCs now accept items according to their emote lists, and will award players with the appropriate quest items in return
    • Implemented On-Use Emotes for NPCs. When interacting with a Quest NPC, they will now respond with actions.
  • Added salvaging!
  • Added lockpicking for locked doors and chests. Debug commands added to automatically unlock items and bypass skill check
  • Added hotspots. Wells and pools revitalize the players, with damaging acid pools
  • Added spell traps
  • Internal database structure improvements
  • SurfaceTexture parser added to DatLoaderAdded
  • Added @addallspells command for dev testing – quickly add every spell in the game to your spellbook

ACEmulator / ACE-World-16PY:
1 author has pushed 3 commits to master
2,934 files have changed
30,839 additions
6,535 deletions
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Notable Changes:

  • Added monster-wielded weapons and death treasures

ACEmulator / aclogview:
2 authors have pushed 3 commits to master
10 files have changed
683 additions
597 deletions
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Notable Changes:

  • Cleaned up some memory leaks

ACEmulator Monthly Report – April 1, 2018 – May 1, 2018

ACEmulator / ACE:
6 authors have pushed 112 commits to master.
230 files have changed.
32,113 additions and 2,579 deletions.
1 Issues closed.
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Notable Changes

  • Physics engine tested and completed. Future changes to Physics will now be based on getting it to work correctly with all the objects in the world and their interactions, as well as refinements and improvements over time to make the engine work faster and smarter.
  • Basic melee and bow/xbow combat added.
  • Damage scaling: armor, resistance, per-body part
  • Skill checks: weapon attacks, defense, healing, magic skill
  • Initial work with Healkits added in.
  • EmoteManager system added for world events. Add emotes to objects, initial implementation includes idle animations and local cast.
  • Vitae added, but players can’t die yet.
  • First pass at tiered, mutated and randomized loot added.
  • Crafting framework added and basic crafting operations now supported.
  • Monster pain / death sounds, splatter effects
  • 1-9 shortcut keys added
  • Spellcasting improvements:
    • Added enchantment registry for tracking all spells
    • Item enchantments: blood drinker, swift killer, heart seeker, defender, impenetrability, banes
    • Life magic buffs/debuffs: armor, resistances, vulns
    • Creature enchantment buffs/debuffs
    • War magic spells: bolts, streaks, arcs


  • AI for Creatures!

ACEmulator / ACE-World-16PY:
1 author has pushed commits to master.
76,026 files have changed.
1,390,921 additions and 1,008,962 deletions.
6 Releases published.
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Notable Changes:

  • Latest release of world database: 16PY v0.0.13 – 3 days ago.
  • Spells added to database. This gives us information on what the spells do.
  • Quests added to database. This gives us the flag information for quest timers and repeat limits.
  • Events added to the database. This allows for quests on a global scale to function correctly such as Aerlinthe and the Queen quests. It also enables timed and configurable events like Fireworks at the statues or turning on the Thistledown monument.
  • Housing Portal destinations added to database. These are the portals for Villas and Mansions.
  • Encounter generators (Random monsters not in dungeons) added to the database. 35,000 landblocks gained at least one generator of random encounters!
  • Crafting added to database. This adds the ability for over 20k different interactions between objects, such as making atlan weapons, or focus stones, fletching, cooking and much more!

ACEmulator / aclogview:
No changes to the project occurred during this monthly report cycle.
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ACEmulator Monthly Report – March 1, 2018 – April 1, 2018

ACEmulator / ACE:
6 authors have pushed 330 commits to master.
570 files changed.
36,980 additions and 23,772 deletions.
6 Issues closed.
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Notable Changes:

  • Entity Framework Core 2.0 implemented. ACEmulator is now faster, stronger, better than ever!
  • The physics implementation is well under way, portal collisions are now working and all world objects have had their physics properties enabled to begin coding and debugging physics interactions between world objects.
  • All weenies containing a CreateList have had their lists populated to begin implementing and testing trophy loot and vendor interactions.
  •  Mob corpses are now generated upon creature death (currently /smite only) and contain trophy loot.
  • Dungeon spawns sent properly so you can explore your favorite dungeon to see all of the spawns inside correctly and for eventual combat and proper interaction.
  • Fixes for generators so more things show up in the world.
  • Started work on Spellcasting/Magic framework with PoC coding.

ACEmulator / ACE-World-16PY:
1 author has pushed 5 commits to master.
33,092 files have changed.
831,130 additions and 743,589 deletions.
3 Releases published.
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Notable Changes:

  • Latest release of world database: 16PY v0.0.7 – 8 days ago.
  • Weenies now 100% exported from GDL Cache.
  • Converted database to Entity Framework Core 2.0 based schema.

ACEmulator / aclogview:
1 author has pushed 2 commits to ACE branch.
27 files have changed.
1,124 additions and 337 deletions.
2 Releases published.
View Pulse
View complete changelog

Notable Changes:

  • Latest release of ACLogView: aclogview – ACE.1.0.18 – 13 days ago.
  • Significant improvements of viewing property update messages.

Welcome to our new site!

Thanks due in no small part to Miach, we’re excited to announce the opening of ACEmulator’s new home on the web!

Initially, our goals for the website are to use it to host monthly progress reports of our activities as well as any announcements along the way.

As we near closer to stable releases we might expand out the site’s scope a bit to include documentation or how-to’s on installing, configuring and administration of ACEmulator servers, but as we’re mostly not web-devs, we’re going to start small and go from there!

Please pardon the dust as we get settled in and up to speed!

Handy links to the website are: and

P.S. If you’ve got experience working with WordPress based sites and would like to contribute to ours, we absolutely would welcome help in this arena as most of our time is taken up by coding the emulator. Join or stop by our Discord server and message us your interest today! ——————>

ACEmulator News! Entity Framework + New Discord + Physics!

Hey everyone, thanks for your support and continued efforts over the past year. We’ve made some great progress and are more committed than ever to bring to the community an open source emulator.

Firstly, we’ve moved to a new discord. Any new emulator/development discussion from the core team will be handled there:

Additionally, we’ve made some great improvements with our code base. The new code should be much more developer friendly. We realized there were significant performance issues with the previous code. In addition, the complexity was over burdensome for new developers to participate in.

We’ve switched to .net core 2.0.

  • Performance increases.
  • Improved cross-platform support.
  • Exposes developers to the newest .net technologies that they may find in the real world.

We’ve switched our database model to Entity Framework Core 2.0.

  • Switches ACEmulator to popular, well documented ORM framework.
  • Significant performance improvements.
  • Scaffolding support greatly reduces the burden of adding tables/fields to the database.


If you’ve been following our commit history, you’ll notice that gmriggs has taken it upon himself to implement the physics model for ACEmulator. The goal is to have a physics engine that very closely represents what the client is doing/expecting. So far his progress has been amazing!

ACLogView has been overhauled.

ACLogView, originally developed by tfarley, is the invaluable tool we use to view pcap data collected during the massive ACEmulator community effort in December 2016 – January 2017. Slushnas has spent a great deal of time improving ACLogView, it’s parsing accuracy as well as included documentation to make it easier than ever to bring back the world of Dereth.

We’ve made a lot of progress over the last year and hope to continue that momentum!

We’re always looking for new developers. With the recent changes to our code base, it should be easier than ever for new developers to get involved!

ACEmulator Core Goals

  • Reproduce Asherons Call as it existed as of January 2017.
  • Produce an emulator engine that is both performant, but easy to understand and develop for.
  • Encourage community participation and involvement in the project.
  • Use patterns/practices/technologies that developers may find themselves exposed to in the real world.

Thanks for the support!

Gone but not forgotten…

Sadly, it’s been one year since Asheron’s Call was shut down by Warner Brothers and Turbine but at the same time, it’s also been one year since the community banded together to ensure the game continues to exist in some form or another for as long as the internet continues to have life.

We may have temporarily lost access to our original characters but the future for Dereth is bright and continues to improve day by day and week by week!

Join us in helping keep Dereth alive for decades to come by visiting our Discord and GitHub today!