ACEmulator / ACE:
5 authors have pushed 77 commits to master
243 files have changed
19,134 additions
16,737 deletions
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Notable Changes:
- All ToD Updates from Lifestoned are now in
- Added Linux installation instructions
- Added house deeds
- Added house purchase requirements w/ config options
- Added checks to ensure monsters can damage target
- Added no-log landblocks
- Added logic for locked doors openable from behind
- Added heritage augs
- Fix wield issue with TwoHanded weapons.
- Updated item dispel
- Pack space is checked before selling items at a vendor
- Improved CoinValue property
- Improved EncumbranceVal and Value properties
- Added enchantments for items wielded by monsters / NPCs
- Updated allegiance rank, config properties
- Added house maintenance + config options
- Adjusted augs and slots armor
- Added magic-absorbing shields
- Add functionality to support Mana Forge Chests in the LootGenerationFactory
- Adjusted imbue chance of success
- Housing permissions sync improvements
- Added squelches
- Changed GetMaxDamage() for better scaling of damage levels for tier increases and weapon types
- Changed GetArmorLevel() to GetArmorLevelModifier() for better scaling of armor increases, based upon the default armor level from the armor item weenie, for loot tier increases
- Items added to the world via the admin command /create no longer decay
- Updated ClothingPriority, create list selection
- Updated CoverageMask
- Added RNG create lists
- Landblocks load their resources async again
- Improved the FindByObject() function to include objects WieldedByOther
- Added caching to a couple more WorldDB housing functions
- Cleaned up the WorldObject OnLoad, OnAddItem, OnRemoveItem code and flow
- Changed GenerateTreasure to check for null DeathTreasure and de-duped generate code so that items weren’t generated twice upon death.
- Monsters now Destroy() on death, removing them from the database if they persisted (possibly from /create)
- Added centralized damage calculation function
- Start refactoring LootGenerationFactory.cs code
- Add support for spawning Treasure pile corpses when data indicates it should.
- Enable basic functionality for InqOwnItems in EmoteManager
- Update EmoteType.DirectBroadcast to support “@You must wait %CDtime to collect the again.”
- Modify LootGenerationFactory to support the TOD updated weenies
- Added synchronized ServerObject loading for non-adjacents
- Improved handling for offline houses
- Write locks on WorldObject property dictionaries are only taken when the property is actually set
- Introduce ObjectGuid recycling into ACE
- Added jsminify for config commenting
- Added server logic for the remaining player-configurable options
- Fixed an exception for PropertyManager when requesting the value of a property that didn’t exist in the database
- Fixed array indexing in LootHelper ( array indexes begin with 0 )
- Fixed exceptions in LootGenerationFactory
- Fixed an issue with TOD monsters spawning with low health
- Fixed Shadow Armor quest
- Fixed an infinite loop when using a mana stone that didn’t have enough mana to fill up all the items in need
- Fixed a bug where splitting/merging stacks modified the StackSize in the wrong direction